Yolanda Busse Oehen Mendes & Associados is made up of a dynamic team of high quality, with the participation of several team members in national and international conferences and training courses being frequently requested.
Manuel Oehen Mendes
Founder – Lawyer
Law Degree University of Coimbra (1978)
Member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 1984.
Recognized Specialist in Intellectual Property by the Portuguese Bar Association
Founding partner of Yolanda Busse, Oehen Mendes & Associados, S.P., R.L.
From 1979 to 2019, Lecturer Guest of the Catholic University (Porto). Main subjects taught: Industrial Property, Copyright, Electronic Commerce Law and Internet Regulation.
Former scholarship recipient – Max-Plank-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Patent- Urheber und Wettbewerbsrecht, München, RFA and DAAD.
European Patent Attorney (EPO, Munich);
Authorized representative, OHIM, Alicante (Community Trademarks and Designs)
Arbitrator: Comercial Arbitration Institute (Porto), Arbitration Centers of APDI, Portuguese-German Chamber of Commerce, Czech Arbitration Court (domain names), Prague and ARBITRARE, Lisbon.
Member of the Academic Board of the publications “Propriedades Intelectuais” and “Revista de Direito Intelectual” .
Correspondent of the Publication “Computer und Recht International
Author of various publications on Industrial Property Law and Copyright
Areas of expertise: Intellectual Property, Commercial and Corporate Law, Eletronic Commerce and Internet Regulation, Contracts, Foreign Investment.
Languages: Portuguese, German, English, Spanish